Women seem to have a hard time finding the right man. We have no trouble finding the wrong ones though. This article is aimed at giving some advice to those women and helping them navigate the murky waters that is the dating world.

The first piece of advice I can give is to not settle for the losers just to have a man. If you wait for the right one to come along, you'll be much happier than if you have one just to have one. There's nothing wrong with being single. You should focus on you before you worry about bringing someone else into your life. Once your life is straight and you're happy, men will notice. They'll be drawn to the happiness. The kind of men that are drawn to you when you stuff is not straight, are not the kind you want anyway.

The next bit of advice is to go get him. If you find one you like, it's OK to make the first move. Do not wait for him to approach you. Men often take way too long to even get the hint that you're flirting. You may interpret this as not reciprocating and give up. The truth is, they just do not recognize the minority signs. So do not be subtle. Make the first move.

How you approach depends on what you're looking for. If you're only after a one night stand or short term fling, then be as direct as you want. Go right up and ask for it. Men will get that hint and they'll know that you're not looking to get married. If you are ready to set down, then you need to tap the brakes a bit. If you come on strong with someone you're really interested in, you'll scare him off. Or you'll end up with a fling when you wanted a mate. It's better to give some of the flirting signals and approach, or beckon him over with your womanly wiles. Have a nice conversation and ease into light physical contact.

When you're in the first stages of dating, it's still OK to see other people. You do not have to jump right into something serious. Only after you've made an emotional connection is it in bad taste to date other men. This also depends on what ground rules you and your new man have set down. If he's dating other women, then it's obviously still acceptable for you to date. Communication is key through the entire process of dating and beyond.

Anyone can give you dating advice. The best thing for you to do is to take heed and file it away. Then the next time you're in that situation, you'll remember what was said to you. If it feels right at that time, then do it. If you feel too uncomfortable walking up to a man and taking control, then do not do it.

Source by Emma-Louise Smith


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