Got a date this Saturday night for the first time? Are you nervous and worried about making the silliest mistakes that might spoil everything? Fear not! Here are some helpful tips on what to do and what you should not do on your first date. These tips can certainly help you make that night, a meaningful and an embarrassment-free night.


1) Bring a mace / pepper-spray

Better be safe than sorry, right? Do carry a mace or pepper-spray in your purse. Make sure it is easily accessible. You never know when you are going to need it.

2) Take your credit card along

Traditionally, the man will pay for the bills when you go for a date. But, 'accidents' and 'misfortunes' can happen. It is advisable that you prepare yourself to pay, in case of emergency.


1) Wear revealing outfit

Never ever wear a revealing or too sexy outfit to a first outing. This may set the wrong impression to your guy. He might think that you are too desperate or that you are trying too hard to impress him. He might also think that you are seeking attention from other guys. Do dress nicely, though. But do not over-do it.

2) Get drunk

It is a big mistake to get yourself drunk. You may just end up displaying the worst side of yourself and eliminate the possibilities on going to your second date. You will also expose yourself to great danger of being raped by the guy. If the guy offers you a beer or champagne, just declare the offer softly. Tell him that you would like to be sober for the night so that you will remember every sweet details of your first date.

3) Pay for the food

Let the man pay the bills. If you start paying on your first date, he will assume that you are willing to pay next time and the next too. Plus, paying for a man's meal may tarnish his ego in some way.

4) Let him drive you home

It is always safer to drive yourself. You never know what the guy is thinking or planning. If you do not own a car, you can opt to take a cab or better still, ask a girl friend to drive you home.
Now that you have known all these simple tips, enjoy your first date!

Source by Francis Murphy


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