It is not easy for men over 40 to get back in the game of dating. Face it you are out of practice. Some of you never had any practice. But it is never too late. The past is gone, you only have time going forward to worry about. Forget the past and turn yourself into an attractive guy with a lot ot offer.

Women will respond, in some ways you have a lot of advantages. You have experience, confidence and probably more money than younger guys so don’t let your age hold you back. Woman find certain traits important and those traits will overcome your looks and age. If you can show her who you are. It isn’t easy to find dating tips for older men but they are out there. All dating tips work the same because women respond to them, unconsciously. Read them all because you can still use them if you are older.

You just need to make them work for you. Forget your age and carry on. If you don’t have a problem with an age difference, she wont. Attitude is the key. Stress your positives and have some fun. Just don’t try to dress or act young, be who you are.

Some things that you may be afraid are going to hold you back.

Being divorced or having kids.

You are too old, she would never want to date you.

You have forgotten how to date a woman.

Divorced men worry about dating advice not working because they are divorced. But women really don’t care if you are divorced. As long as it doesn’t follow you around like baggage or lead to problems dealing with your ex. If you are cool with it and get along with the ex, she will have no problem, in fact she may be impressed by how well you handle life. Kids are not much of a problem for women, they seem to like to see how you take care of things. If you are a good dad, she will notice.

Advice for dating younger women. Don’t worry about if she wants to date you. Ask anyway, many younger women are dating older men these days. If it isn’t a concern of yours, she will date you. As long as you make sure you treat her like a woman and not a little girl. Never talk down to her or pretend you are 20 years old. Use your qualities and presence to treat her well and appreciate her for more than her beauty. You have nothing to lose by asking for a date. And there is no law against you dating a woman younger than you. People may talk, but really who cares. You get to sleep with her. Isn’t that worth it? Remember younger women will date older men, they do it all the time.

Now a lot of older men worry they have forgotten how to date women. This is not a concern, because you do have years of interacting with people. You just need to relearn a few dating tips. Just the basics. How to approach, how to show off your good points and how to just have fun again. Get out there and practice for 3 weeks and after 2 or 3 dates you will get right into it.

Ok, there you have some good tips to get you back out there dating. Dating is normal human behavior. We are social creatures who yearn for a companion. Just get out there again and start asking women out to fun exciting dates. Pretend you are a teenager again, and just go have fun. Be more social and get out of the house 3 nights a week. You can chill the other 4 nights. One more key, don’t do what young guys do and rush things. Don’t be too eager, just relax and be comfortable.

Read a few books and then start dating again. All you have to do is ask her out. It may help you if you start dating women over 40 first just to get back in the swing of things, you will have more in common with them and it is easier than trying to jump back into dating chasing 25 year old girls. Once you can date women easily, now you are ready to go after a beautiful younger woman. But you have to have good game and be able to offer her something others can not.

Source by M. Johnson


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